Celestial Spheres

The Five Celestial Spheres

The Spheres are the five planets that move through the 12 Ecliptics with the Moons and Orb. Each sphere applies its own influences over the forces of magic. These are not the schools of arcane magic, or the domains of divine magics, but rather characteristics of all magic. These are the Five Spheres:
Temus: Temus is the Sphere of Time. This shimmering blue star controls the time related characteristics of magical spells and effects, such as casting time and duration.
Demus: Demus is the Sphere of Dimensions. This glowing red star controls the characteristics of magical spells and effects that have dimensions, such as range and area of affect.
Kenus: Kenus is the Sphere of Power. This brilliant white star controls the power level characteristics of magical spells or effects, such as Effective Spell Level and Damage.
Menus: Menus is the Sphere of Matter. This glimmering green star controls the characteristics of magical spells and effects that are matter based, such as creation spells and material components.
Cerus: Cerus is the Sphere of Coordination. This fiery yellow star controls the interactive characteristics of magical spells or effects, such as saving throws and targets (self or a number of targets).

TEMUS 13 months 30 days 1/yr (1 mo: S 2; R 10; S 3; F 15) HORSE TIME LYNX TIME RAM TIME BEAR DETRIMENT
KENUS 51 months 120 days 1/yr (3 mo: S 8; R 40; S 12; F 60) RAM ENERGY BEAR ENERGY HORSE ENERGY LYNX ENERGY
MENUS 77 months 180 days 1/yr (5 mo: S 10; R 50; S 15; F 75) BEAR MATTER WOLF MATTER LYNX MATTER SPIDER MATTER
CERUS 126 months 300 days (10 months) 1/yr (6 mo: S 12; R 60; S 18; F 90) SPIDER INTERACTION RAM INTERACTION WOLF INTERACTION HORSE INTERACTION

Orbit: Each of the Spheres moves through the ecliptics from East to West at its own pace.
Retrograde: The Spheres also occasionally 'wander' through their ecliptic path, slowing down, stopping, going in reverse, stopping, and then starting back again. This is called retrograde.
It is detailed as Frequency (Duration: S #; R # ; S #; F #) YR means Years, mo means Months, S means Stop, R means Reverse, F means Forward. Example: 1/yr (1 mo: S 2; R 10; S 3; F 15)
Each sphere spends 2-6 months of the year in retrograde motion. Usually they slow down and stay in one ecliptic for twice the normal time. Then they reverse path and move backwards into the prior ecliptic where they slow down and stop for that amount of time. then they start up again, returning to their normal pace. This has dramatic affects upon the position of the sphere relative to the ecliptics and other spheres, which affects magic. It also makes predicting conjunctions very difficult. Astromancers believe this is because each sphere orbits some other invisible celestial object as it moves, almost like they are moons of some invisible planets. They call this an "Epicycle". For technical terms, the reverse path is called Retrograde.

Houses and Aspects:
Each sphere has an ecliptic in which it is exalted, dignified, falls, or is in detriment. These "houses" greatly alter the way in which they affect magic.
What more, each of the spheres influence each other. The closer they are the more powerful their influence upon each other.
The alignment of the spheres can have great influence upon magical power for those who know how to incorporate it into their spell casting, prayers, rites, summoning, and rotes.
There are feats any spell caster can take to become skilled at using these magics, but only Astromancers and Druids can truly master all of the magic of the spheres.
There is, though, tales of a few bards who have claimed the music of the spheres speaks to them and their magical harmonies are greater for it.

Celestial Movements:
The spheres move along the ecliptic just like the sun and moons do.
They wobble a little on their rotations, sometimes rising above or below the center of the ecliptic but never beyond it.
Sometimes the "Transit" through the same orbit as the moons or sun. This can have particularly unique affects on magic.
Since the spheres aren't as bright as the sun, they only appear at night (after dusk and before dawn). When a sphere is visible it is an "apparition." Otherwise it is considered invisible to the naked eye, though astrologers know it is still present.

Matters of Astronomy and Astrology not applied here:
For simplicities sake, and because this isn't earth's solar system, we are not considering the following features of astrological and astronomical planetary movements.
Inferior Planets vs. Superior Planets: This is normally determined by the position of the planet's orbit in relation to the earth's orbit. It can create elongated orbits, changes in the angels of its path and variances in its apparation. This will not be applied in this system. The spheres simply move through their cycles.

Earth's Astrology

This is easiest to understand in comparison to Earth's plentary movements:

Planet How Often It Retrogrades Length of Retrograde
Mercury Every 3-4 months 3 weeks
Venus Every 18 months 6 weeks
Mars Every 2 years 11 weeks
Jupiter Every year 17 weeks
Saturn Every year 20 weeks
Uranus Every year 22 weeks
Neptune Every year 23 weeks
Pluto Every year 26.5 weeks

The period of stay for each planet in a house in astrology can vary depending on the specific house and the speed of the planet.
Here is a general overview of the approximate periods of stay for each planet in a house:

Sun: The Sun stays in a house for around 30 days or one month. However, during certain times of the year, such as when it enters a zodiac sign, its stay in a house may be slightly longer or shorter.
Moon: The Moon moves quickly through the zodiac and typically stays in a house for around 2 to 2.5 days. It completes a full cycle around the zodiac in approximately 28 days.
Mercury: Mercury's stay in a house can vary depending on its speed and whether it goes into retrograde motion. On average, it stays in a house for about 14 to 30 days.
Venus: Venus stays in a house for approximately 23 to 30 days. Its period of stay can be influenced by its speed and proximity to other planets.
Mars: Mars usually stays in a house for around 45 to 60 days. It moves relatively faster than the outer planets, so its period of stay can be shorter compared to them.
Jupiter: Jupiter's stay in a house is relatively longer compared to the inner planets. It usually spends around 12 to 13 months in a house, as it takes approximately one year to complete its journey through a zodiac sign.
Saturn: Saturn is known for its longer period of stay in a house. It spends around 2.5 to 3 years in a house, as it moves slowly through the zodiac signs. Its influence is considered significant and long-lasting.
Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto: These outer planets have much longer periods of stay in a house due to their slower movement. Uranus stays in a house for approximately 7 years, Neptune for around 14 years, and Pluto for about 20 to 30 years. These durations can vary based on retrograde motion and other planetary aspects.

Web links:
Example of Epicycle: https://youtu.be/JKrnzNhqFYg

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