Chapter 3 - Classes / Discussion
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Started by: Wikidot
Date: 11 Apr 2013 01:25
Number of posts: 4
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Ken, I'd like for you to check out page 214 in the Advanced Race Guide. Alternately, you can just look at the same rules here.

At any rate, I thought this ruleset was a pretty handy product for creating a balanced race. The idea is to arrive at an RP (Race Points) close to 10 (plus or minus 1-2) if you want your created race to be equal to the "Core" ones. Of course, it's ultimately up to the GM what he wants in his game.

Note, I am NOT trying to say we need to change the stats of the Bamorians! I'm just looking to illustrate how the process of creating a home-brew race (like the Bamorians) would go using this rule-set.

So, for instance:

Humanoid (0 RP)
Large (7 RP)
Gives you the giant subtype; provides +2 size bonus to Strength and a -2 size penalty to Dexterity. There is also a -1 size penalty to AC and attack rolls, a +1 bonus to combat maneuver checks and to combat maneuver defense, and a -4 size penalty on Stealth checks. Furthermore, you take up a space that is 10 feet by 10 feet, and have a reach of 5 feet. Basically the normal size pluses and minuses.
Normal Speed (0 RP)
Standard Ability Score Modifier (0 RP)
Another +2 to Strength (for a total of +4), +2 to Wisdom, and -2 to Charisma.
Standard Language Quality (0 RP)
I should note, though, that all Pathfinder races start with just Common and their racial language. They can only add other languages via a high Intelligence score. But whatever!
Natural Armor (8 RP)
+4 natural armor bonus to Armor Class
Skill Training (1 RP)
Treat two skills as class skills for members of this race. A recommendation… should every Bamorian know how to build a boat? Or how to sail a boat? My suggestion would be Knowledge (Engineering) and Profession (Sailor). The former is due to their stated interests; the latter is the skill that the online PRD references for pretty much any nautical action.
Fast (1 RP)
+10 to base Speed (for a total of 40).
Hatred (1 RP)
Weapon Familiarity (1 RP)
Axes, crossbows, and Bamorian weapons.
Natural Attack (1 RP)
Bamorians receive one natural (primary) gore attack (1d8) with his horns (see Bestiary, pg 302).
Sense of Direction (unlisted in the options; ad hoc cost of 1 RP)
Scent (in absence of keen senses; 4 RP)

Total RP comes to 25, and that's without us having to lower dexterity even more (which would have made their racial aptitude for crossbows… shall we say, interesting?). Going by these rules, the female Bamorians would have a slightly higher RP (26 or 27) because after you factor in the Size modifiers to their ability scores (+2 to Strength, +2 to Constitution, -2 to Dexterity), they need a pure +4 bonus to their Wisdom. Incidentally, Core Races have RPs ranging from 8-11. Paizo would recommend that you treat a group of characters with a race of this caliber as a level higher (while between levels 1-5) for the purposes of creating encounters for this group.

(Meaning, a party that includes a 1st level Bamorian and a 1st level Duneiman should get encounters geared for 2nd level as opposed to 1st level. Nothing major.)

Anyways, what are your thoughts on this format? Data on their culture, history, etc., would be found under the section that covers their realm. Theoretically, a separate companion volume/sourcebook would be dedicated to covering ALL of the stuff that has to do with them.

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