
This is one of the first Duneimen languages. It is also the language of the Folkin who were created before the Duneimen. It is descended from Telani and was passed to the Folkin and Duneimen by the Gods of Nature. Glinnen has enough similarities to that language that Gelvani and the Fey are able to understand it to some degree. It developed as a singular language in Imaru, though those who lived outside that first great kingdom spoke various dialects. When Imaru fell, those dialects eventually developed into their own languages. Though most Duneimen now speak other languages, a dialect of Glinnen is still spoken in Old Camus by the Skarrells and is the language of the Druids. It is one of the origin-languages for Verosian. The Folkin still have knowledge of this ancient language though after they adopted Verosian they stopped speaking it, and only know it so as to read their ancient writings.

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