
Divine Languages

In the eternal realms there are some languages that have developed that are rarely spoken elsewhere. These may be particular to a religion, or even particular denizens of those realms.

Olgen Tongue: The Elder Tongue, mentioned above, is the language that was first spoken by the Elder Gods and therefore passed to the Titans and Gods. Their descendants learned it from them, and from that most languages of the mortal races have evolved. This language is the language still spoken by these ancient beings. They can, of course, speak and understand any language.

Devanic: Thamor created a celestial host to serve him, called the Devas. These beings were created with a singular language that only they could speak. Thamor gave this language to his bride, Reahnyn, and their children Kaladon and Kharthamus. When these Gods and Devas spoke to the prophets and priests of their religion, they spoke using this language. It was given as a gift to those who were most pious, and they recorded their teachings in this divine tongue. Thus all ancient scrolls of this language were written in this form. Devanic is the language of divine power. It is used in prayer by the most pious of the religion to invoke the true power of the gods.

Kinaved: This language is a corruption of the other divine languages and is spoken by the beings of Infernus. It is considered an evil language and holds great evil power. Speaking it aloud creates an aura of evil that is detectible by those who can sense evil. Written it creates a very weak evil aura.

Ancient Languages

The Olden Tongues
The most ancient language in the mortal world is simply referred to as Olgen Tongue, or Elder Tongue. It is only spoken now by the ancient gods and titans, and then only in parley or battle. The Elder Tongue is the origin language of all other languages. These are the languages born from the Elder Tongue:

Gallanik: Also called Gyntish, this is tThe language of the Titans and Giants shares the same common base as the Duervik language, and is hence one of the oldest languages in the world. However, the Giants care little for history and formality, and so their language has changed much over the millennia. Though it is still similar enough to Duervish for the two races to communicate, it has changed enough to be distinctive. It is a further variation on this language that is spoken by the Ogres and Orcs. It is also the origin-language of the Bamorians, whose language is very similar to Duervish in that it has retained much of the Elder Tongue. The name comes from the ancient kingdom supposedly ruled by Giants, called Galladoria.

Duervik: The language of Magmodin and the other Duervan Gods was originally Olgen Toungue. It was passed on to the Duervar and over the ages they have refined it to their daily lives. However, the only language still sounds much the same as it was when first spoken upon the Mortal World. Hence it is the oldest living language. Duervik is a simple and straight forwards language, accented by its heavy use of long vowel sounds and few synonimous nouns.

Mordrang: The language of the Bamorians is derived from Gallanik but it is very similar to Duervik in that it has retained much of the Elder Tongue. Their close relationship with the Duervar has also meant they share many common words. Mordrang is difficult for the Children of Naeja to speak because it the words require such deep resonance. Some Duervar have learned it, but only a Bamorian can sing in their language, which is very important to their religion.

Telani: This ancient language was created from the Olden Tongue, as it was first spoken by the Gods of Nature to the Children of Naeja. It is the language spoken by the Fey and the Gelvani; as it is the language spoken in the eternal realms and other worlds. It was first put into writing by the Gelvani, and later the Fey added their own influences. Telani is a rich and flowery language accented by its elaborate use of vowel combinations and a plethora of adjectives and synonimous nouns. It is so different than the other origin languages that for a long time those who spoke them could barely communicate with one another. Telani influenced the Duneimen language of Glinnen, and eventually the Duneimen were able to bring the world together with one common tongue.

NOTE: The Folkin were created before the Duneimen, but they shared the same language, called Glinnen.

Languages of Verosia

The Duneimen Languages
Being the last mortal race created, and having never resided upon an eternal realm before their creation, the Duneimen have built their langauges from those that already existed.

Glinnen: This is one of the first Duneimen languages. It is also the language of the Folkin who were created before the Duneimen. It is descended from Telani and was passed to the Folkin and Duneimen by the Gods of Nature. Glinnen has enough similarities to that language that Gelvani and the Fey are able to understand it to some degree. It developed as a singular language in Imaru, though those who lived outside that first great kingdom spoke various dialects. When Imaru fell, those dialects eventually developed into their own languages. Though most Duneimen now speak other languages, a dialect of Glinnen is still spoken in Old Camus by the Skarrells and is the language of the Druids. It is one of the origin-languages for Verosian. The Folkin still have knowledge of this ancient language though after they adopted Verosian they stopped speaking it, and only know it so as to read their ancient writings.

Horaptic: This is the language of the ancient Kal-Kamorans, a dialect of Glinnen that became its own language after the fall of that first kingdom. Horpatic has changed much in the millenia since first developed by Horaptuh, but it is still far different than the languages spoken by other Duneimen. It is now a nearly lost language, though, only spoken by the elitist Kamoran nobles and the priests who seek to renew the faith in the old gods. Horaptic is very unique because the ancient god of knowledge and magic made it a formal language based on mathematics. Thus it defines itself numerically, and has various laws that govern it. It became the written and spoken language of the Kamoran religion, and thus became the most prominent language in that culture. It influenced many other lanuages, such as Atenika, Janaic, and Farrellin. What more it shares some commonalities with Ryukan indicating that the two cultures traded from very early on in their histories. Horaptic is the origin for the language of mathematics used throughout the educated world.

Atenika: The ancient language of the Parthans is lost to us now, but was the base for the modern language spoken by these peoples. Atenika was officially created by the scholar Atenos, who claimed to have been instructed by Kionanthus. The language is rooted in that ancient pathan tonuge but has strong influences from Horaptic. It is the language of the [Parthan Pantheon] and is considered an origin-language of Verosian. There are certain mathematical rules that define this language, but unlike Horpatic it isn't nearly as rigid and allows for a greater diversity in pseudonyms and polynyms.

Moarvanik: This is the ancient language of the Moarik peoples, but is still spoken as a secondary language throughout Moar. It is commonly found in remote villages of the Volstadt Mountains and Suthfar beyond the Shadow Wood, and it isn't uncommon for those people to speak no other language. It is a considered an origin-language of Verosian.

J'miran: When the J'miran settled in the western peninsula of Verosia they found that the people living near there, the Moarik, spoke a language with some similarities. J'Miran has its roots in Glinnen, but at some point these people left that realm and their dialect became influenced by races and cultures of far away lands, that are to this day as mysterious as the origins of the J'mirans. The ancient J'Miran language was not a written one, and it eventually mingled with Morvanik to form the language we now call J'miran.

Ryukan: This is the language of the Ryoshans. It originated from a mingling of two cultures; a Duneimen culture still speaking the language of Imaru and the Lacertu culture, who spoke a language derived from Gallanik but altered to suit their vocal capabilities. The Ryoshans were made slaves of the Lacertu, and forced them to learn the basics of their language. Thus, Ryukan developed in a very unique way. After the fall of the Lacertu, the Ryoshans began mingling trading with the Kal-Kamorans and adopted many words that were unique to that culture. They also had some influence on that language. Ryukan is a very unique language made up of short consonants and sharp inflections. It also has a very unique writing method.

Farrellian: This is the language of the Ganniards, named for the province of Farrel in which it was formally recognized as a language. It was one of the dialects of Glennin that survived and flourished as its own language. It was heavily influenced by Horpatic when Kal-Kamora subjugated that land. After the Kamorans left, though, it once again became a prominent religion. It has since been influenced by the various cultures with which the Ganniards have contact through their merchantry. It is often still spoken in Gand and Casil and is one of the origin-languages of Verosian.

Azurian: The Azuratans also split off from Imaru with a unique dialect. There's however, had begun to diverge long before this time, when they wandered into the north. There they battled Orcs, Ogres and Giants for many generations, and in from that interaction their language became more unique. Over the millenia since then their language has become so different that when they encountered outher Duneimen again they found no similarities in their languages. Azuratans still speak this language today, though a few have learned Verosian from travelers to their lands.

Jannaic: The Janni spoke their own language, a variation of Gallanik that developed upon those Elemental Relams. When Kal-Mikan was established they taught their language to the Kamorans who fled there. Thus a new languaged developed. It is very similar to Kal-Kamoran, but has quite a few unique features. It is the language of the Mikanians and is also spoken by many of the desert tribes.

Verosian: This is the common tongue. It developed relatively recently, as the Kingdom of Rona enveloped most of Southern Verosia. It is simply the dialect of Glinnen that was spoken by the Ronans and evolved with contact with the Moarik peoples. As Rona extended its reach more languages became intertwined with this language, and an informal bastardization was commonly spoken in most regions. Finally, the Triumverate decided that the best way to keep public order was to establish a singular language to be spoken commonly throughout the kingdom. Thus, this language was given a name, Verosian, and formally structured. It was assigned to the Chroniclers of Kionanthus who put it into writing, made decisions on spelling and grammar, and developed dictionaries for the teaching of the language. The Church of Rona established a system of schools in every major city, taught by scholars of Kionanthus, and required all youths to attend (though it wasn't enforced). These schools taught this language, reading, writing, arithmetic (Kamoran and Parthan mathematics), history (from a Ronan point of view) and religion (Ronan Church). Generally, children from the age of 6 to 11 were taught for a couple hours a day, except on holy days. The King named Verosian the official language of Rona, and thus the merchant houses adopted the language as the common form for trade. Eventually all major races learned it and began teaching their own youth. There were still many places where it was only a second language, and some secluded regions never spoke it at all. This language became the language that connected the world in the Age of Glory. However, as Rona collapsed, so too did its school systems. In places where it was still spoken as a second language it has begun to be forgotten. It may be that in the future this language will no longer be known universally.

Divine Languages
In the eternal realms there are some languages that have developed that are rarely spoken elsewhere. These may be particular to a religion, or even particular denizens of those realms.

Olgen Tongue: The Elder Tongue, mentioned above, is the language that was first spoken by the Elder Gods and therefore passed to the Titans and Gods. Their decendants learned it from them, and from that most languages of the mortal races have evolved. This language is the language stll spoken by these ancient beings. They can, of course, speak and understand any language.

Devanic: Thamor created a celestial host to serve him, called the Devas. These beings were created with a singular language that only they could speak. Thamor gave this language to his bride, Reahnyn, and their children Kaladon and Kharthamus. When these Gods and Devas spoke to the prophets and priests of their religion, they spoke using this language. It was given as a gift to those who were most pious, and they recorded their teachings in this divine tongue. Thus all ancient scrolls of this language were written in this form. Devanic is the language of divine power. It is used in prayer by the most pious of the religion to invoke the true power of the gods.

Gods' Tongue: The Ronan Church believes that only those true to the faith should be allowed to read sacred scriptures. From early on in the worship of Thamor, his teachings were written in a form not known to most, called Devanic. As the Ronan Church grew, more entered the faith who could not read these ancient scriptures. So it was that the Church began to scribe them into the common tongue, which became Verosian. However, as Verosian became more and more the language of foreign peoples and religions, a movement arose in the church to protect the sacred texts. It was decided to commission the creation of a language that would be bridge between Devanic, which could only be read by the most pious of the church, and the common Verosian. This language would be taught only to acolytes of the church. The common worshipers would not learn it. Thus the church set out to destroy all holy doctrine written in this baser tongue, and instead scribe new copies only in this new formal church language they called the Gods' Tongue. Gods' Tongue is a variation on Devanic that includes a broader use of adjectives, variations on structure, and modern terminology, to make it more functional for writing. Gods' Tongue is spoken in Ronan Churches during rituals, and is the language of prayers. Other than that, though, it is primarily a written language. Devanic is the only language that can call upon true divine power.

The Black Tongues
Two corrupted races were born from Titans and Giants that were corrupted, the Orcs and the Ogres. They have developed their own languages as variants of the ancient Gyntish tongue. These are so called Black Tongues, because both Orcs and Ogres have black tongues.

Gullarik: This is the language of the Ogres. It is a variation on Gyntish that has changed so much that it is now its own language. It is spoken mostly in the Ogre Kingdoms, but is also an Origin Language for Baragog.

Nallarik: This is the dark and violent language of the Orcs. It too is a variation on Gyntish, but has grown more complicated over the millenia. There are various words for the nomenclature of war, thus making this a very powerful language when describing battle. It is spoken by Orc clans and is an origin language for Baragog.

Baragog: Literally translates as "Black Tongue". This is a relatively recent language, and though spoken most often as a second language, it has become the common language among all the Ogre Kingdoms and is spoken around the world as the language of the corrupted. It is a conglomeration of Gullarik and Nallarik, with a some influence from Verosian. This language came about as the Ogres consolidated their strength in the north and settled treaties with the Orcs to allow for peaceable trade. Then, as they warred with the Verosians (namely Ronans) they picked up much of that language in their common speech. This is a growing and evolving language with no strict rules to govern its structure. It has become a common practice of the other races to learn this language when roaming dangerous lands.

Languages of Antrasia

Elhedel: This ancient language is spoken by the elven races of Antrasia and is an ancient branch of the Telani language. Elhedel, like Telani, is a rich and flowery language accented by its elaborate use of vowel combinations and a plethora of adjectives and synonymous nouns.

Old Adacian

Old Sadothan

Languages of Shuro-Tahn

Ryukan: This is the language of the Ryoshans. It originated from a mingling of two cultures; a Duneimen culture still speaking the language of Imaru and the Lacertu culture, who spoke a language derived from Gallanik but altered to suit their vocal capabilities. The Ryoshans were made slaves of the Lacertu, and forced them to learn the basics of their language. Thus, Ryukan developed in a very unique way. After the fall of the Lacertu, the Ryoshans began mingling trading with the Kal-Kamorans and adopted many words that were unique to that culture. They also had some influence on that language. Ryukan is a very unique language made up of short consonants and sharp inflections. It also has a very unique writing method.

Sirithrian Tongues

Silrithia is the serpent goddess and mother of all dragons and serpent-kin. Unlike other Titans, she can not easily speak the Elder Tongue. Thus, she developed her own language that she shares with her offspring; Lacertu, Kobolds, Dragons, etc… These are those tongues.

Draconic The language of dragons is the first language Silrithia created. She taught it to her serpentine children. This language is almost impossible to learn for any who do not have the vocal capacities of the serpent-kin. It is commonly spoken by Kobolds and Dragons.

Lakrat This is the language of the Lacertu who learned it from Silrithia, their serpent goddess. It is a confusing language, having various meanings for words based on the inflections of syllables. Their numerology system, though, is very evolved and complex, though quite alien to most other races. It was heavily influenced by Woryk before he went mad, and is used in their spell casting. This language evolved to be able to communicate with the Ryoshans, who became the slaves of the Lacertu. Some Ryoshans can still speak this ancient language, though it is very difficult.

Arcane Languages

There are five known forms of arcane language. These are words of power which can be written and read by any who have the knowledge, but only truly invoked for effect by those with the power to draw upon arcane energies. These languages are different because of their origins, but they have essentially the same power. If the inflections produce the proper harmonic resonance they can be used to weave magical energies to cause specific desired effects. They are called verbal components.

Shamor'lavorium'Telthanu: The arcane language originally written down by the Grey'Gelvani, as taught to them by Zarthandir. This language has punctuations and sentence structures that originate from Telani but includes complicated roots that are the basis for the invokation of magic. The language has a very complicated form and is considered by many to be far too elaborate for its intents. It is still employed by the Queleshan who say it is required for the invokation of Quel'Shamora, but many other arcane casters claim it is unnecessary and prefer the less formal Mageiaka

Mageiaka: The name given by the duneimen to the arcane language they learned from the gelvani. They have changed it significantly over the many hundreds of years since they first learned it. So much that it is considered a separate form of arcane language. Though it is more concise and the consonants are stronger, the effects are nearly as powerful. The Grey'Gelvani claim that the less formal structure of it prevents for the precise inflections necessary to produce the most powerful magics, and anyone who truly wishes to be a master must learn their more complicated formal language, Samor'lavorium'Telthanu. However, many other gelvani have adopted this simpler form for their rudimentary Shamora.

Sthikeithikis: The draconic form of arcane language. This is the language the Lacertu created when taught magic by Woryk and is also the language many of the other children of Silrithia use for spell casting, such as dragons, kobolds, and sarkanians. Like Draconic it requires a serpentine tongue to pronounce.

Mtaspe: The ancient Kal'Kamoran language that has its roots in Horaptic. It is this language the greatest Pwonouhhb (priests) and Mtao (wizards) of the ancient Kamoran world used to create their powerful forms of magic. Interestingly it is very similar to Sthikeithikis and it has been supposed that Horaptuh may have learned it from a Dragon or even Silrithia herself. It was a well guarded form of magic, and very rarely was it put into permanent writing (usually put on papyrus rather than painted or etched in stone).

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