
Shey'elnor Korianthil was the son of Kalthanan and Laferia; he was killed by Kravix the Elf-Slayer.

Shey’elnor was the product of an ill-fated and unwanted union between his father and a member of a coven of Succubae. She, along with her sisters, attacked Kalthanan in the ruins of Shay-Shilorn - a dimensionally-shunted Gelvani city - took him prisoner for a short while, and seduced him with their demonic wiles.

Unbeknownst to Kalthanan, two of the fell temptresses bore children of his seed in the foul Abyssal realm of the Horridlands. One of the two newborns, a girl, was sacrificed to demonic powers, but the boy was kept, and raised in the manner one might expect. Before the boy’s fourth birthday, though, his mother, Laferia, was forced to surrender him to vengeful Tarthis, the Dancer of Bloody Lament. This was a wretched Marilith that had once thrived on Naeja prior to suffering defeat and banishment at the hands of Kalthanan. She craved vengeance since then, and when she learned that a child of his line had been conceived in the Abyss, she took the necessary action to make it her own.

Tarthis raised the boy, whom she called Kal’akesh (a portmanteau for “the slayer of Kalthanan”), with all the caring and love of a viper.  For more than a hundred and twenty years she twisted him into a cruel and cynical warrior.  Kal’akesh inherited his father’s natural grace and prowess, and under Tarthis he swiftly became a master swordsman.  His life was been far from easy, however. Tarthis always saw to his survival, but never to his well-being. She was so consumed with hatred for Kalthanan that she allowed it to spill into Kal’akesh’s training.  She often beat and tortured him, and withheld any education or learning outside of the sparring room. Her penchant for starving him while forcing him through a grueling tournament whittled him to the bone.

She told him that his father abandoned him to the Abyss, that no one cared for him, and that he existed only as a means for her to exact her revenge.  She fueled his grief and frustration by recounting to him that his father was a great king, so wealthy and self-absorbed that he could not care less about his bastard son.  Proof of this, she pointed out, was Kalthanan’s refusal to answer the various challenges and messages she sent him regarding his child's existence. In fact, Tarthis did send servitor fiends to Naeja in an attempt to lure Kalthanan back with news of his son's existence.  All, however, were banished or destroyed before they could deliver her challenge.

In time, Kal’akesh became convinced that his father had disavowed him. Full of nothing but bitterness and pain, he enlisted in Tarthis’ ploy as a way to gain some measure of vengeance for all his suffering.  Still, a small part of him kept alive the hope that Tarthis might be wrong about his father, and that he would have the heart to bring him back to the Mortal World with him—if for nothing else, then just for freedom.

Kalthanan did come to learn of the conception of his two children by Laferia, and found his way to Tarthis’ realm in the layer of Boreleshmyr—the demonic Forest of Black Fires. There, Kalthanan was forced to battle Kal'akesh. He was victorious, but in the moment of truth he was able to convince the youth of his desire to bring him back to Naeja as his rightful son. It was then, however, that Tarthis ambushed the both of them, trapping Kal'akesh's soul in one of her blades, and almost slaying the unprepared Kalthanan. As it was, the blade dancer was barely rescued by his Queleshan. Kalthanan did return and slew Tarthis, but Kal’akesh’s soul was trapped in the blade he once wielded.

Kalthanan enlisted the aid of his most powerful friends to find a way to restore his son to life. For almost a full year, the powerful arch-sorcerer Khazid crafted a spell to free the young man from his prison and restore him to life without his soul being hurtled to the Abyss. At long last, Kal’akesh’s soul was freed from his blade and allowed to enter a Gelvani body created for him, free of demonic taint. Kalthanan gave his son a new name—Shey’elnor, "the blessed flyer" and named him his rightful heir, bestowing on him the surname of his family.

It seemed for a while that it would be difficult for the young man to be rehabilitated from his tortuous past, and embrace the benevolent ways of his father’s people. He chose to strike out on his own, but when the Barukar invasion began, Shey'elnor chose to overcome his past and fought to protect the lives of innocents. Tragically, he was singled out by his father's enemies and cut down to lure Kalthanan to an ambush. For his sacrifice, however, Gelthena redeemed his soul and ushered it into Arvanis with those of all other elves.

Appearance: Shey’elnor looked remarkably like his father, with the two sharing strikingly similar facial structures, sets of the eyes, chins, and noses. Unlike his father, though, Shey’elnor had rich, jet-black hair, which he wore long and in complex braids. His skin was also somewhat paler than his father’s, and reacted to the sun as if unused to it. Shey’elnor was slender but well-muscled, and possessed the same natural grace his father does.

Personality: During life, Shey’elnor did not speak as much as he observed. He tended to have a distant, cool mien about him, as if he was detachedly analyzing whatever happened to be about him.

Shey’elnor could be quick to anger and emotional, the result of a lifetime spent in the Abyss. His decisions were often the product of pragmatism rather than morality, despite the best efforts of his new family. He was curious about his new home, family, and friends, but much of his perspective was decidedly that of an outsider. Thus, he was often overtly cautious, shy, and perhaps even quasi-paranoid when it came to casual interaction with other people. He found it difficult to assume that people in this new environment might not automatically be enemies.

Nonetheless, he did love his family, and struggled with the instincts that he had grown up with. Shey’elnor struggled to adjust to his new reality, but in the end chose a path of courage and honor and redeemed himself before the Gelvani deities.

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